Monday, September 16, 2019

New Start

When I first created this blog about 4 years ago, i imagined it had to be a serious extension of my Etsy shop. But as you can see from the low (seriously non existent) post count from back then, i was not inspired.

Soooooooooo i have decided to give it another go, but with a bit more me, and bit less shop. You can still visit my shop from here. But here you can find things that don't make it into my shop. Often the most fun and interesting things I make are headed for my own kids heads or toy box, and they don't get seen.

So, I hope you will follow my little Blog and chat and comment about craft and knitting projects, my lazy kitty (and yours), even the odd Sifi Tv show. I am ready to have some fun with this and I would love for you to join me

Click here to visit my store.

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Hi! If you like what you see here, please visit my shop by clicking on this link: Bébé Bee Couture