Friday, September 20, 2019

Mario vs Luigi

Ok, so i love coming up with new hats every season for my ETSY shop, and also for the local craft fairs that i attend.

But i think my favourite hat projects each season are the ones i make for my own kids.I try to find something they are crazy about at the moment and then create something fun.

So this year they have both been Mario mad. I was not sure how these would turn out. But i am pretty happy about the result.

Now, i have a problem....they both want to be Mario! Poor Luigi. The eldest says he should be Mario because Mario is the eldest plumber...the youngest says it should be him because he is shorter and his brother is very tall, like Luigi.

I should have made Yoshi ;-)

Click here to visit my store.

Ketchup anyone?

I love that the Autumn - Fall days bring with it an abundance of fresh local produce. Apples, corn, pumpkins, cucumbers and of course tomatoes!

My youngest is almost entirely a vegetarian and he will eat a tomato like an apple. I have even been putting some extra large tomatoes in his lunch for school instead of apples...though he is more than happy to eat those too :)

Autumn is also the season to make preserves :)

While i don't have time to do it myself these days, I have done my own kind of preserving - of sorts ;-)

Click here to visit my store.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Autumn is here

Well the weather seemed to change over night this year. School started back and Autumn - Fall did too. It is definitely cooler, the leaves are changing, we hear geese flying south every night. The colours are so vibrant in Autumn, sunflowers,black-eyed-susans, and of course the brilliant maples.

But cooler weather means warmer hats....and, well, that is what i do :)

So this week i have been working on my Pumpkin and Apple hats. It was one i started making for my own kids, and then extended them to my shop and craft shows, as well as supplying a local pumpkin farm - apple orchid each season.

Click here to visit my store.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bébé Bee Couture

So I often get asked about my Etsy shops name. The main reason is that Bébé Bee was what we always called our eldest son - we still call him Bee (just not in front of his friends, he is 13 now and we get the look!)

But also because we are a bilingual family, so i decided a bilingual name was a nice way to reflect that. Bébé (French) Bee (English) and since our family name is actually Couture, it was too good not to include that too :)

Click here to visit my store.

Can't Kill Me Cactus!

I made these for my youngest, he loves plants and animals. But his favourite animal (kitty - see below) keeps knocking over his cactus garden. Not the easiest mess to clean up either. So problem solved. They don't need to be watered, and they do not hurt, they are actually quite cuddly :)

Click here to visit my store.

Monday, September 16, 2019

New Start

When I first created this blog about 4 years ago, i imagined it had to be a serious extension of my Etsy shop. But as you can see from the low (seriously non existent) post count from back then, i was not inspired.

Soooooooooo i have decided to give it another go, but with a bit more me, and bit less shop. You can still visit my shop from here. But here you can find things that don't make it into my shop. Often the most fun and interesting things I make are headed for my own kids heads or toy box, and they don't get seen.

So, I hope you will follow my little Blog and chat and comment about craft and knitting projects, my lazy kitty (and yours), even the odd Sifi Tv show. I am ready to have some fun with this and I would love for you to join me

Click here to visit my store.

Cat - box - yarn - perfect combo

Boxes are always a magnet for cats.Put one down and the cat is in it in about 5 seconds flat, no matter where she was in the house! Cats and Yarn also seem to go Cat sleeping on my box of yarn seems to be a perfect combo....I will just have to wait till nap time is over to get to my newly delivered yarn :)

Click here to visit my store.

Visit my shop!

Hi! If you like what you see here, please visit my shop by clicking on this link: Bébé Bee Couture